How do you lose an Island?
Halfway between Boscastle and the Celtic deepS
Since 2019, we’ve been busy on an island, Eythin, working on uncovering the local tradition, folklore and history. It’s a magical place but, somehow, it’s slipped through the gaps and nobody knows that its there. History, after all, is what we choose to forget. And Eythin has worked hard to be forgotten. But, for whatever reason, the custodians of the island have asked us to come and make work here. We didn’t like to ask too many questions. The project is funded by the Eythin Trust and by THOCE, whoever they are.
We boat back and forth from the island to the mainland, but our archivist and writer, Sam, is staying there permanently. They felt it was best, and the rest of us agreed. Don’t worry, we left them the dog. As we work through the wealth of material on the island we’ll publish what we find here, in the form of blogposts, podcasts and artefact photography. Welcome to Eythin, “Giruth um baal’eth!”