


We found Blackstar when he was just a puppy floating off the Cornish coast in a coracle made of cider demijohns. A crude waterproofing made of sealing wax had been chewed into the crevices. He was an industrious puppy.

For those who are wondering, the above diagram's annotations are as follows:

  1. Stuff/Nonsense
  2. Memories of tennis balls past
  3. Wagging unit
  4. Ventricles and TLC
  5. Echochamber/Steak storage
  6. Blackstar Designed Collar (BDC™)
  7. Lepidoptera collection

Glad we've cleared that up.

Not only does he give us ideas, he also regularly patrols the perimeter. Be warned, if we don't know you are coming you will be cautioned and/or placed under guard in an extremely poorly built Gaol. 

Blackstar was a founding member of GAGcornwall™ and can be remarkably resilient to change within the organisation. In retrospect it was a mistake to sell him a controlling share - but in those heady days our sense of fiscal responsibility was a mere shadow of it's current self and it all looked fine on paper.

He tells us that his collar came to him in a dream, the designs given to him by Leonardo supported by seraphim.

He is prone to exaggeration.

He's fond of strokes.

He is a very good dog.


Sam Horton1 Comment