Bude Sea Pool 2019
We’ve been selected to work with other artists to create a piece of art to encourage reflection and mental health. Working with Sound UK on their REFLECT project.
Launched during Mental Health Awareness week the project works with local communities, near us in Bude and in Gravesend, with local and international artists creating installations and soundscapes. Opening in October our artwork will sit alongside workshops, singing and walking tours an is open to all.
We are one of three “bench artists” in Bude, and our grand plan is to create a life sized, huggable, seal to accompany the lonely traveller resting on a beautiful bench that looks our across the beach to the sea.
It’s ambitious, and we’re using every arrow in our quiver and every string on our bow to bring it together.
We’re documenting the process over on instagram but so far we’ve created a drawing, a 3D model that we unwrapped to produce a workable net and then lots of neoprene glue and old wetsuits. We’re well into the head modelling phase, and are thrilled with the results. Stay tuned.