Happy Beltane
The Beltane photo
May day dawns bright and fearsome on Eythin. It’s our second on the island (well, mine, the rest of the group is still on the mainland) and though I thought we’d got to grips with the way they did things here, every day
brings new discoveries!
I was in the library, leafing through a box of loose papers, and found a polaroid. It’s from the mid 70’s, I think, when the last residency was offered. The group that was in residency is a bit of a mystery,
but its clear they were working on similar themes.
I Couldn’t draw the staff on much more than the authenticity of the image, but the cook did gruffly drag a
wicker hamper into my study in the annexe, and it was incredibly exciting to
open it and find the very costume in the photo.It’s a little faded, but hey –who isn’t.
It was wrapped in tissue paper, but I’ve found an old dress makers dummy to hang it on. It’s a slightly ominous presence in the room, but in a way it’s still nice to have the company…
Wrapped in the raiment was this little spring votive, too. I’ve done what I can with it, it’s a cheery sort of thing.
Though the flowers are already fading. There was a short bit of text too, typed, that seems to have been produced by that last group of artists:
“BELTANE MASK AND CASSOCK – DATE UNKNOWNThe outfit seems to be a depiction of St. Yarma, thehorns a misunderstanding of a Cornett, or wimple. The face, obviously in debtto May celebrations on the mainland, bears an unnerving resemblance to severalpainted faces, and carvings in the chapel. The cassock is richly embroideredand has the insignia of the Hyperboric Order of the Crimson Eclipse (an esotericMasonic-esque group who seem to have held some influence on the island). Theceremony involving the “May priestess” followed the chasing of the El Wych, shecame forth to crown a May King or Queen, though we have been unable to find thecrown anywhere in the house.”
It’s such a pleasure to see it in the sunlight again. And I’m going to hunt for the crown. I found a set of keys, above the lintel in the stable, and I have high hopes for them.
I’ve hung the dummy with the talismans I made last week, it’s funny, I don’t feel a breeze – but the bells
on the mask keep jingling…